Health Blog


Your digestive system consists of all the organs involved in breaking down the food you eat, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste products. When you take a bite of food, your digestive system is automatically activated. In the stomach, the food is broken down into smaller pieces and digestive juices are added. The food, which has […]
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Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. At some wavelengths it appears as visible light, at others it takes the form of radiation we cannot see, such as ultraviolet, infrared, and x-rays. X-rays have very short wavelengths that, unlike visible light, are able to pass right through most tissues in the human body. Since bones […]
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Understanding HIV infection and stages.

HIV is one of the deadliest infections in the world, and it is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus that mainly targets the immune system. The immune system is the body’s special defense mechanism, which deals with germs, infections, and generally anything that does not belong in the body’s general system. The HIV virus mainly […]
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Understanding Pancreatic Cancer The pancreas is a large gland located in the abdomen surrounded by the stomach, liver and spleen. The pancreas has two main functions, an exocrine function, which helps the body digest food and absorb nutrients, and an endocrine function, which helps control blood sugar levels. Pancreatic cancer occurs when malignant tumors develop […]
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Why Long Duration Fasting Is Actually a Bad Idea

Gen Z trends pushes us to look attractive and fit for selfies, and millions of people go on extreme diets to achieve this, some are even going on dry fasting for many days. This is a very unhealthy move at gaining 6-packs or a flat tummy. To get into shape, it’s best to see a […]
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The urinary system comes into play for the disposal of liquid waste. Our bodies keep generating a lot of hazardous and unwanted liquid waste. These are toxic waste products which will circulate in our blood until disposed of. And as excess water can be waste too, our body gets rid of it through the urinary […]
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Why Do Men Have Nipples?

We all have nipples. Ladies need them to breastfeed infants, but why do guys have them? Not to sound trans or anything, but way back in our most early development days, we were actually girls. Sort of. You know, our modern human bodies have a number of “Not-so-functional” features like wisdom teeth and tail bones, […]
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The process of teething in humans

A missing teeth. Not the best of features for a lead singer, but pretty dang cute on babies. But why do humans have baby teeth, and why do we lose them? Humans, and most mammals, are diphyodonts, meaning we grow two sets of teeth in our lifetimes. A permanent set of adult teeth, and a […]
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What are blood types?

Human beings are quite similar in so many ways, but when it comes to blood, there are definitely different types. Eight, to be exact. Our different blood types stem from the fact that we all have immune systems, and while they work equally well, they’re not all the same. The cells in your body are […]
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Why do joints pop and crack?

A joint is just where two bones in your body come together, but they don’t actually touch each other. Because if they did, the friction would grind them into a bone powder, which of course, most people would find unpleasant. So instead, your bones are capped by cushions of articular cartilage, which are kept lubricated […]
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