Life action plus MHIS is responsible for the delivery and marketing of Health Insurance products to the grass root individuals. For a relatively small fee, you can get health quality health insurance that will cover you and your household for a year, so many other benefits you can enjoy. We have our 24/7 call center, wide range of hospital
- 10 out-patient consultations for hospital admission per year
- A total benefits of =N=100,000.00 per year
- Out-patient care (including consultations)
- Diagnostic tests and the provision of prescribed generic drugs
- Maternity care for up to two normal births
- Preventive eye examination and care
- Preventive dental care and relief
- Emergency care services
- Minor surgeries
• Cosmetic Surgery
• Teeth Whitening
• Dental Prosthetics
• Domiciliary/Hospice Care
• Alternative/Unorthodox medicine
• Neonatal care not listed under Neonatal Services on the benefit schedule
• Self-inflicted/domestic assault injuries
• Congenital abnormalities
• Conditions caused by an act of war, an epidemic or enrollee participating in a riot
• Services primarily for weight reduction or treatment of obesity
• Treatment of substance abuse
• Infertility –All investigations and treatment not listed above
• Orthodontics
• Advanced radiological investigations e.g. CT Scan, Myelogram, EEG not stated on the table etc.
• Advanced and complex investigations e.g. Marrow biopsy, skeletal survey etc.
• Prosthetic device such as cardiac pacemaker, orthopedic implants.
• Management of Chronic Renal Failure (Transplant surgery)
• Induced abortion
• Laser Treatment
• Transplant
• Complex major surgeries e.g. Heart, Brain and Great Blood Vessels
• Neurological surgeries
• Management of Cancer
• Professional sports and willful exposure to danger
• Infectious and contagious diseases in an epidemic
• All procedures, management and investigation not covered by the plans
• Individuals between age bracket as stated on premium benefit table
• Estimated Membership 200