What causes Chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by a virus called Varicella-zoster, also known as V.Z.V. this virus spreads through the air when a person with chickenpox coughs & sneezes, or when someone comes into direct contact with saliva or mucus or liquid from blisters of an infected person. It is so contagious that you can […]
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What causes Rabies?

When we hear the term Rabies, we automatically think of a dog bite. This is wrong. Any mammal can be infected & spread rabies. However, in most cases, they spread it through bite as the virus can only spread through saliva. This brings the question: why will a pet, an honorary member of the family, […]
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What causes Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs caused by viruses or germs that invade the respiratory system. Generally, when we inhale oxygen, it goes through the windpipe, into the lungs, passes through the bronchi and eventually reaches the air sacs called the alveoli, which is surrounded by a network of fine blood capillaries. Here the […]
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