Stroke: Signs, Symptoms, Recovery, And More…

A stroke may occur when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen or when there is bleeding in the brain. The most common cause of a stroke is a blockage in a blood vessel to the brain, which is often due to a blood clot getting trapped where the blood vessel gets narrow. When the blood […]
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What causes Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic condition in which the airways become narrow and swollen, causing excess mucus production. This makes breathing difficult, triggers coughing, wheezing (a whistling or rattling sound in the chest), and shortness of breath. There is no scientifically proven cause for asthma. However, research has shown that certain genetic factors & some of […]
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How to get rid of dark knuckles without baking soda

Dark knuckles, or hyper pigmentation of the knuckles could be caused by several factors, some of which require urgent medical attention. However, in prevalent times, it is often caused by injuries, skin irritation, or the use of strong acidic substance, commonly referred to as bleaching creams, on the skin. Bleaching cream breaks down the melanin […]
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What is happening to your Health?

You thought going out was the problem, but you’ve been working from home for a while and your health is still deteriorating What is the state of your health? Well, you are not alone. A number of people are experiencing similar symptoms but the management approaches will determine effective results. The first is to create […]
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Just Before the Schools Resume…

We know you can’t wait to have the schools open up again and that you are mostly stressed with having to manage stay-at-home kids along with pressing work obligations and every other clog that life throws up in a pandemic situation. Before you heave a sigh of relief and bundle the children back to school […]
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