Your digestive system consists of all the organs involved in breaking down the food you eat, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste products. When you take a bite of food, your digestive system is automatically activated. In the stomach, the food is broken down into smaller pieces and digestive juices are added. The food, which has […]
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Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation. At some wavelengths it appears as visible light, at others it takes the form of radiation we cannot see, such as ultraviolet, infrared, and x-rays. X-rays have very short wavelengths that, unlike visible light, are able to pass right through most tissues in the human body. Since bones […]
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Understanding HIV infection and stages.

HIV is one of the deadliest infections in the world, and it is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus that mainly targets the immune system. The immune system is the body’s special defense mechanism, which deals with germs, infections, and generally anything that does not belong in the body’s general system. The HIV virus mainly […]
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