Where does body odour come from? (Home remedies to stop body odour )

Our skin contains two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands are present all over our body. They produce sweat, which is mostly water. Apocrine glands, on the other hand, are concentrated in regions such as; ear canals, armpits etc. They produce thicker sweat which has proteins. We know that millions […]
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Polio (History, Types, Symptoms, Treatment)

Poliomyelitis more commonly known as polio is caused by the polio virus. Polio can spread from person to person, and is known to infect the spinal cord, which causes paralysis. HistoryThe first major documented polio outbreak in the United States happened in June 1894, where 18 people died and 132 paralyzed. Back then, we didn’t […]
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What is a Cardiac Arrest?

Your heart has an electrical system that regulates your heartbeat and keeps blood pumping around your body. A cardiac arrest happens when a problem in this electrical system causes the heart to stop pumping blood. It is commonly caused by a heart attack or an inherited heart condition. Instead of beating regularly and effectively pumping […]
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Food poisoning (Causes and treatment)

Food poisoning usually starts with feeling sick and really bad stomach cramps, with many going on to vomit or have diarrhea, and some escalating to stooling and vomiting. The most common causes of food poisoning are bacteria such as salmonella and e-coli. The symptoms you are experiencing can go a long way in telling what […]
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World Breast-feeding week: How breast-milk is made in the body.

Breast milk is quite amazing. It has all the nutrients that a baby needs in its first 6 months of life. The benefits for the baby are impressive. They include lower rates of allergies, ear & lung infections, obesity, and sudden infant death as well as healthier weight gain and other long term outcomes.Mothers can […]
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Epilepsy: Causes & treatment

Imagine you went for a walk inside your brain. You look to your right to see some nerve cells/neurons busy doing their work moving your arm. You look to your left and you see some other neurons thinking about what you’ll be having for diner later tonight, and all of a sudden, you hear a […]
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Influenza (How Catarrh is made in the body)

Catarrh is not the name of the yellowish mucus discharged from your nose when you sneeze. The actual name for it is mucus. Catarrh is actually the process of discharging the mucus that has built-up in your nose or throat. Now that this is cleared, let’s go behind the scene to see how it is […]
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Measles: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Measles is one of the most infectious contagious diseases worldwide and it remains one of the leading causes of childhood mortality especially in areas with low rates of vaccination. The reason why it is so contagious is that it is airborne and spreads via tiny liquid particles that get flung into the air when someone […]
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What causes Conjunctivitis (Apollo)?

Conjunctivitis, popularly known as Apollo in Nigeria, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the superficial layer of the white part of the eyeball. Conjunctivitis is commonly caused by a viral infection, or less commonly, a bacterial infection. It can also be caused by an allergic reaction to certain allergens such as Dust Mites […]
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How To Beat Insomnia and Sleep Deprivation

You ever had one of those nights where you just couldn’t seem to fall asleep? While that happens to everyone, once in a while, people with insomnia have to deal with these symptoms night after night. Some people with insomnia have trouble falling asleep, whereas others wakeup throughout the night and struggle to fall back […]
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