Typhoid fever? What is this all about?

What causes typhoid fever?Typhoid fever is caused by an infection with a gram-negative bacterium called Salmonella typhi or a related bacteria; Salmonella paratyphi which has different subtypes (A, B or C). Both of these bacteria cause slightly different, but we generally call infection by both of these typhoid fever.These bacteria are ingested orally, survive in […]
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Jaundice involves someone taking on yellow pigments, specifically in the skin and eyes. The yellowing pigment is caused by a compound called bilirubin; a component of bile and the main cause of bruises being yellow, and after its metabolism, the yellowness of urine and brownness of feces. Causes of Jaundice:When red blood cells breakdown naturally […]
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Everything you need to know about Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps in the fight against rapid ageing and diseases. It supports new tissue growth, is essential for healthy connective tissue in the body, and promotes healthy skin. It improves iron absorption.Vitamin C is an essential vitamin. Which means your body does not produce it, you have to eat […]
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How to deal with cataract decisively

The natural crystalline lens in the human eye is transparent & colourless. Cataract is the clouding of the natural lens & it can affect ones vision and quality of life. It can affect vision during driving, reading, watching TV, and even the view of your loved ones. What causes cataracts? Ageing is by far the […]
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What causes Stomach Ulcers?

Ulcers are painful sore(s) present in the protective lining of the digestive tract in humans. It is mostly attributed to a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori (H.pylori). H. Pylori has attached itself to humanity for thousands of years, and is now believed to be in up to 50% of the total human population. Medical experts previously […]
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How Addiction to alcohol can sneak up on you

Much like Rome, alcohol addictions are not developed in a day. However, the timeline for alcohol addiction differs by individual. It takes just a couple of drinks for some to get hooked, while the build-up in gradual consumption leads to addiction for others. To stop it before it causes more harm, we must address the […]
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5 Health Reasons You Should Be Cycling Today

Today is world Bicycle Day! If you enjoyed cycling when you were younger, now could be a great time to revive your passion, You don’t need an expensive bike, special clothes, or a high degree of fitness to enjoy riding a bicycle. And it’s accessible to most people because you can easily do it at […]
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Top 5 African Parent’s Love Languages

Today is World Parent’s Day! What better day to celebrate this breed of Champions?! An African parent would rather suffer incurable disease than to open their mouth to tell you how much they love you. Of course, you should know that they love as much as any parent the world over does, if not more! […]
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Facts About Obstetric Fistula That You Need to Know

Each year between 50 000 to 100 000 women worldwide are affected by obstetric fistula, an abnormal opening between a woman’s genital tract and her urinary tract or rectum. The development of obstetric fistula is directly linked to one of the major causes of maternal mortality: obstructed labour. Women who experience obstetric fistula suffer constant […]
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Prevent High Blood Pressure – Take Action Now!

By living a healthy lifestyle, you can help keep your blood pressure in a healthy range. Preventing high blood pressure, which is also called hypertension, can lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. Practice the following healthy living habits: Eat a Healthy Diet Choose healthy meal and snack options to help you avoid high […]
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