The natural crystalline lens in the human eye is transparent & colourless. Cataract is the clouding of the natural lens & it can affect ones vision and quality of life. It can affect vision during driving, reading, watching TV, and even the view of your loved ones.

What causes cataracts?

Ageing is by far the most common cause of cataract. Other common causes or risk factors which are more preventable will be ultraviolet radiation of the sunlight, smoking, and uncontrolled diabetes.
Hence, we should wear sunglasses in the sun, stop or reduce smoking.
Less common causes are medications such as; corticosteroids, injuries to the eye, and some may have in-born cataract due to genetic causes.

Symptoms of Cataract

The most common symptom of cataract is blurring of vision.
Things appear dimmer & not clear. This more often happens gradually over months or years. Other symptoms are glare, sensitivity to bright lights like sunlight, or sensitivity to lights from streets lens & car lights in the dark. In addition, patients often complain that the power of their glasses change frequently within a year. This can happen either before or as the blurring of vision sets in.


The treatment for cataract is surgery.

What to do if you suspect you have cataract?
You need an eye exam by your optician or ophthalmologist. Surgery may be avoided if your vision can be corrected to an acceptable level with glasses. If glasses or contact lens cannot help the situation, and it is affecting your quality of life, you may have to go for surgery.

Cataract surgery is a fine micro surgery. It has undergone major advancements in recent years, and has a very high success rate worldwide.

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