Stroke: Signs, Symptoms, Recovery, And More…

A stroke may occur when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen or when there is bleeding in the brain. The most common cause of a stroke is a blockage in a blood vessel to the brain, which is often due to a blood clot getting trapped where the blood vessel gets narrow. When the blood […]
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What causes Stomach Ulcers?

Ulcers are painful sore(s) present in the protective lining of the digestive tract in humans. It is mostly attributed to a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori (H.pylori). H. Pylori has attached itself to humanity for thousands of years, and is now believed to be in up to 50% of the total human population. Medical experts previously […]
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How Addiction to alcohol can sneak up on you

Much like Rome, alcohol addictions are not developed in a day. However, the timeline for alcohol addiction differs by individual. It takes just a couple of drinks for some to get hooked, while the build-up in gradual consumption leads to addiction for others. To stop it before it causes more harm, we must address the […]
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immune system


It's a war – guerrilla warfare. From the point of view of the pathogen (a term used interchangeably with disease-causing microbes, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi), we are just big storehouses of goodies for them to grow on; next to the brain, the immune system is the body's most complex system.
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Universal Health Coverage in Nigeria


For the goal of universal health coverage to be actualized, every arm of the scheme (i.e clients, health care providers, health insurance companies) need to see itself as a key player and get involved.
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