Why do we Snore?

Normally when we breathe, air travels through our nose and mouth, down the back of our throat and into our lungs. Our airways are made up of soft tissues like muscles, tongue and throat, that are flexible and can move easily. When we sleep, these tissues can become too relaxed, which causes them to partially […]
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What cause hiccup?

The most common causes of hiccups are eating and drinking too fast, but there are other factors, such as swallowing air, or intense emotions, such as; crying, laughing, stress, and excitement. But what happens during hiccups? The main organ involved in the process of hiccups is the diaphragm, a dome shaped muscle at the bottom […]
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Why do we cough?

Coughing, something we all do every now and then is one of the most common symptoms of an illness that occurs due to viruses and often comes on as the last symptom of a retreating cold or viral flu. Other reasons that could trigger coughing are smoke, or dust in the surroundings and allergies. Though […]
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What Is A Parasite?

A parasite is an organism or living thing that lives on inside another living thing’s body for food and other things that it needs to survive and thrive. Though parasites are very small, and are often only seen with the help of a microscope, they have the ability to manipulate, harm, and sometimes even kill […]
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How twins are developed in the body

In most pregnancies, a single embryo develops in the uterus, but sometimes there can be twins, which means that two embryos develop together.Most twins are Fraternal or Dizygotic twins, meaning they originate from two separate eggs that are fertilized individually. While only a minority are: Identical or Monozygotic twins, which means they come from a […]
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What causes diabetes?

Diabetes, also known as Diabetes Mellitus, means to pass through. It is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose or sugar that is the body’s main source of fuel is too high. But before exploring the root cause of diabetes, we need to learn about a body organ responsible for maintaining balance in blood […]
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Why do we itch?

An itch, also known as pruritus, is an unpleasant and annoying sensation that makes you scratch your body. It can happen due to various reasons such as parasitic mites, dry skin, insect bite, disease, allergies, and sometimes, it happens for reasons that still remain unknown. Just as the immune system functions as an internal defense […]
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What causes Chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by a virus called Varicella-zoster, also known as V.Z.V. this virus spreads through the air when a person with chickenpox coughs & sneezes, or when someone comes into direct contact with saliva or mucus or liquid from blisters of an infected person. It is so contagious that you can […]
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What causes Rabies?

When we hear the term Rabies, we automatically think of a dog bite. This is wrong. Any mammal can be infected & spread rabies. However, in most cases, they spread it through bite as the virus can only spread through saliva. This brings the question: why will a pet, an honorary member of the family, […]
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What causes Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs caused by viruses or germs that invade the respiratory system. Generally, when we inhale oxygen, it goes through the windpipe, into the lungs, passes through the bronchi and eventually reaches the air sacs called the alveoli, which is surrounded by a network of fine blood capillaries. Here the […]
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