Why do we get allergies?

Imagine eating a birthday cake with your friends, and suddenly, you begin to sneeze uncontrollably, your nose starts running, throat gets itchy, you feel congested, and in no time, everyone starts running around to get medical aid. If you notice a similar pattern of illness after being exposed to something, it is easy to reach […]
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We are aware of the fact that our bodies consist of tube-like tunnels called blood vessels that carry the oxygen and nutrition-rich blood throughout the journey. To facilitate this journey, our heart plays a vital role by beating and pumping the blood through the arteries which exerts the force on the muscular walls of the […]
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How your wounds heal

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. It regulates your temperature with the help of sweat glands and has a lot of sensors that enables you touch, feel hot or cold, and most importantly, the outer layer of your skin called the Epidermis acts as a protective shield and stops germs from entering […]
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What causes Sinusitis?

What is sinusitis? Before we answer that question, we need to learn a bit about your facial anatomy. There are some air-filled spaces in the bones of your head around the nose. These hollow spaces are called sinuses; they come in four pairs or eight in all. They are on either side of the nose […]
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What causes Ringworms (Lapa-Lapa)?

Ringworm is a kind of skin infection that (unlike its name implies) is not caused by any worm but a type of fungus called Dermatophytes. These fungi are generally found in most environments such as pool areas, public showers, etc. We can also find them on our pets, and sometimes, they are already present on […]
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What happens when you swallow Chewing Gum?

Gum, a tempting rubbery candy that comes in various shapes, sizes, colours, and flavours, but have you very wondered what was it actually made of?Most chewing gums are made up of a synthetic equivalent of a rubbery material called Polyisobutylene. They may also contain ingredients such as sweeteners, softeners, and flavouring that we enjoy until […]
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What causes Dandruff?

Dandruff is another name for a condition called Seborrheic Dermatitis; in which our scalp shed skin cells in the form of yellow or white flakes. It is very common in kids, teens, and adults alike and is usually harmless. But it could be a little bit embarrassing, especially for those who may already be self-conscious […]
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Why do we get gray hair?

As we get older, generally by the age of 50, our hair begins to turn gray or silver in colour. Some people rock the salt & pepper look, while others try to conceal the shades of gray by dying it with artificial colours. But the vital question is: why did our hair turn gray in […]
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What causes Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones, also known as renal calculi, are hard small masses of crystal that can form inside the kidneys that are part of the urinary tract. The kidney has many jobs, and one crucial role is to filter the blood to remove waste in the form of urine. These waste contains compounds that consist of […]
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Why blood types matter?

Our blood, as humans, has different varieties and features. Red blood cells transport oxygen throughout the body, while white blood cells, also known as immune cells, fight against infection.Red blood cells have a certain kind of complex protein on the outside of the cell membrane. These proteins, known as Antigens, act as a QR code, […]
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