Why Do Men Have Nipples?

We all have nipples. Ladies need them to breastfeed infants, but why do guys have them? Not to sound trans or anything, but way back in our most early development days, we were actually girls. Sort of. You know, our modern human bodies have a number of “Not-so-functional” features like wisdom teeth and tail bones, […]
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Why do joints pop and crack?

A joint is just where two bones in your body come together, but they don’t actually touch each other. Because if they did, the friction would grind them into a bone powder, which of course, most people would find unpleasant. So instead, your bones are capped by cushions of articular cartilage, which are kept lubricated […]
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Blood Transfusion

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all tissues and removes carbon dioxide and other waste products from them. It also helps fight infection and heal wounds. It consists of a liquid portion and cellular components. The liquid, called plasma, is where nutrients, hormones, clotting factors, and other chemicals are dissolved. The cellular components are suspended […]
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What causes Paraesthesia (Paja Paja)

Has your foot ever fallen asleep before? Probably when you were travelling in a small bus or when you were stuck in traffic for a while. Paraesthesia is that tingling pin and needles feeling you get when you spend a lengthy period of time in an uncomfortable position. Paraesthesia is a symptom that is characterized […]
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Why do we Cry?

Beyond destroying mascara, puffing up eyes, and the universal gloomy look, what purpose do our tears serve? First off, you should know that not all tears are the same. There’s the sudden eye irritation tears, they are not the same as the tears of the broken heart. In fact, we humans are lucky enough to […]
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What sugar does to your body?

Have you ever wondered why it’s next to impossible to resist sugary products? Well, let me first explain a few things about sugar. Sugar is a sweet substance that originates from plants like sugar cane and sugar beads. It is one giant molecule of carbohydrate with a scientific name called sucrose, which is made up […]
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Why does beer make you pee?

Alcohol tends to make simple things suddenly really complicated. You might think that the answer is obvious. Beer goes in, Pee comes out. Beer is mostly water, so why wouldn’t it make you pee? The answer is a bit more complicated than that, and it has to do not just with beer, but any drink […]
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What are Tonsil Stones?

A sore throat can be a sign of all kinds of medical maladies. You might have caught a cold from your coworkers or just cheered too loudly at that big game last night. But if it feels like there’s an irritating lump in your throat, there might actually be something stuck back there. A whitish […]
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WorldHepatitisWeek: What is Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is a life-threatening liver infection caused by the Hepatitis-B virus or HBV. It can cause chronic infection and put people at a high risk of death from cirrhosis or scarring of the liver and liver cancer. In terms of transmission, Hepatitis B is primarily spread from mother to […]
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What are cavities and what causes it?

You have whole communities of microbes living in your mouth right now and if you don’t treat them right, they’ll make holes in your teeth. No matter how much you brush your mouth is filled with microbes. Thousands of bacteria live on every single one of your teeth. And that’s if you have excellent oral […]
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