How does anesthesia work?

If you had surgery, you might remember starting to count backwards from 10 – 9 – 8 and then waking up with the surgery already over before you even got to 5, and it might seem that you were asleep, but you weren’t. You were under anesthesia, which is much more complicated. You were unconscious, […]
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Young people are dying. They are overdosing on almost all medications nowadays, and even basic prescription drugs have not been left out.You wonder; how did this young person get to this horrible spot in life? Let’s go back in time, to understand how addiction starts, and how to prevent it from happening. While each addiction […]
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What really causes Acne (Pimples)?

Acne is a skin disease consisting of blemishes that can occur on your face, neck, chest, shoulders, and back. It is very common during the teen years, but it can affect you during adulthood as well. CausesTo keep your hair and skin well lubricated, your body depends on sebaceous glands which sit just under your […]
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World Breast-feeding week: How breast-milk is made in the body.

Breast milk is quite amazing. It has all the nutrients that a baby needs in its first 6 months of life. The benefits for the baby are impressive. They include lower rates of allergies, ear & lung infections, obesity, and sudden infant death as well as healthier weight gain and other long term outcomes.Mothers can […]
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Stroke: Signs, Symptoms, Recovery, And More…

A stroke may occur when the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen or when there is bleeding in the brain. The most common cause of a stroke is a blockage in a blood vessel to the brain, which is often due to a blood clot getting trapped where the blood vessel gets narrow. When the blood […]
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immune system


It's a war – guerrilla warfare. From the point of view of the pathogen (a term used interchangeably with disease-causing microbes, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi), we are just big storehouses of goodies for them to grow on; next to the brain, the immune system is the body's most complex system.
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LAAPHMO BLOG Child Spacing

Child Spacing

Depending on how early it is, and what kind of delivery the woman had previously, having another pregnancy right after could be very risky and can seriously put the woman’s life in danger
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