What is Laryngitis?

The larynx, often referred to as the voice box, can become inflamed due to a viral infection, a condition known as laryngitis. This typically results in a husky or croaky voice, and in some cases, it can cause a complete loss of voice, leaving the individual only able to whisper. Along with voice changes, additional […]
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What is a Stye?

A stye is an infection in your eyelid, it’s usually an infection in the hair follicle when one of your eyelashes attaches to your eyelid sometimes you can get what’s called an internal stye where the meibomian gland, which is one of the glands inside your eyelid, gets infected then it comes to a head […]
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Eye Pain: When do you need to see an Optician?

The iris is the colored part of the eye with the pupil in the middle. The white of your eye is called the sclera; over that, you’ve got a very thin transparent layer called your conjunctiva. This layer often gets inflamed and sometimes infected, resulting in the infection usually described as Apollo (conjunctivitis). Conjunctivitis will […]
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What is Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of your skin. It doesn’t just affect athletes though. The point about fungi is that they love anywhere that’s warm, moist, and short of air, which really describes the inside of your trainers, especially the bit between your toes. So athlete’s foot often starts with a rash between your […]
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What is the Main Cause of Eczema?

Eczema is a form of dermatitis. “Itis” is the medical term for inflammation, and “derm” refers to the skin. Therefore, any skin inflammation is called dermatitis. However, eczema is most commonly associated with atopic dermatitis, an allergic condition closely linked to asthma and hay fever. Eczema often runs in families, and the risk is higher […]
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When do I need to seek medical advice about a headache?

Pretty much everybody gets headaches sometimes, and the vast majority of them are nothing to worry about. But there are sometimes what we call red flags, and these are what you should look out for and always seek medical help for. The one everyone knows as a red flag is a severe headache that’s accompanied […]
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What is Dizziness?

Dizziness means being unsteady, but people use it to describe different things. But in general terms, dizziness often refers to three main things. The first is what we call Vertigo. That’s dizziness with the sensation of the room going round, the room spinning, often accompanied by feeling or even being sick. The second is feeling […]
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When should I see an optician about eye symptoms?

Eye symptoms are prevalent. The good news is that most of them don’t have anything to worry about and settle down on their own. But it is important to know what symptoms you should look out for because some symptoms are warning signs of a condition that could be eyesight-threatening if you don’t get them […]
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Should I panic if I have blood in my stool?

Having blood in your stools is quite common, and is generally not something to worry about, but it usually needs to be checked out. The possible occurrence of blood in stool most likely comes from the gut, but the lower down your gut it comes from, the brighter it will be. One of the most […]
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What are Threadworms?

Most of us are pretty cool about earthworms. Some of us don’t even mind snakes, but the idea of a threadworm wriggling out of your bottom is enough to make most people reel in utter disgust. The good news is they don’t usually cause any symptoms, and indeed certainly don’t cause harm, but even so. […]
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